How interactive transcripts help in qualitative data analysis?

Aug 25, 2022, Sukanya Pant
Qualitative research employs various methods to collect and understand sentiments, attitudes, opinions and more. Since these cannot be measured in concrete, quantifiable terms, qualitative data must first be transcribed. Then human judgement and understanding must be applied to extract meaningful and actionable information for the client.  

Transcription is the process of converting verbal data into written text. It involves transcribing intentions, sentiments and cultures into written form, which can be useful for qualitative research conducted for businesses. The process of transcription produces written text as provided in the audio. Organizations use transcripts for many fields such as video, medical, market research etc. Such transcripts provide only a written conversion without formatting or time stamps. 

What are interactive transcripts? 

Interactive transcripts provide a clickable, navigable text that allows you to browse through time stamps to skip to any part of the video/audio. Using interactive transcripts makes work efficient by seamlessly providing an accessible, more effective method of going through transcripts and selecting, highlighting or jumping to different parts of the video or audio. By opting for interactive transcripts, the amount of time and effort took to complete tasks is severely reduced, as is the margin for errors. A tool like interactive transcription is a great asset to qualitative research organizations using video or audio files for data analysis.  

How do interactive transcripts help in qualitative data analysis?

Interactive transcripts improve comprehension 

Due to the searchability and navigability features of interactive transcripts, comprehending large amounts of data becomes much easier. You don't have to go through huge files to study data; it can make your task easier by just switching to a different part of the transcript and even marking bookmarks to return to later. 

Interactive transcripts facilitate coordination  

Interactive transcripts make coordination less of a hassle. Increasing accessibility to different data portions makes coordination among researchers more efficient. You can easily give a timestamp or highlight a portion of the transcript to make it available for your colleagues at any time.  

Interactive transcripts save time

Analyzing qualitative research data is a tedious, long, drawn-out process. This process can be made faster and more efficient using interactive transcripts. Interactive transcripts make data much more organized and streamlined, making it easy to access by all and much faster to comprehend and analyze.  

Interactive transcripts require less effort

Due to the interactive and easy-to-use interface provided by interactive transcripts, the effort required to decipher large data files becomes minimized. Highlighting, bookmarking, searching, surfing, everything can be done in the same transcript with a few simple clicks, reducing effort tremendously.  

Interactive transcripts are easy to navigate

With the ability to jump from anywhere to anywhere within text and video and the ability to search, interactive transcripts make it far easier to navigate the data compared to regular transcripts.  

Interactive transcripts make for a better presentation

Collating data in an organized and navigable way makes qualitative data more presentable to the client.  

flowers provides interactive transcripts at honest prices, making your qualitative research data accessible and well collated. With easy-to-use features, interactive transcripts by flowers can open the gates to faster and much more effortless qualitative research analysis. Reach out to [email protected] to learn more about employing interactive transcripts to fulfil your qualitative research requirements.  
Sukanya Pant
Aug 25, 2022