How can improved workflow make research more efficient?

Sep 08, 2022, Sukanya Pant
Workflow refers to a series of activities that are necessary to be completed in the process of completing a task. The workflow includes all processes required for the successful accomplishment of a work goal. In a workflow, every step has a specific step succeeding it, except for the last step. An efficient workflow increases productivity, while at the same time minimizing time, effort and materials required. 

In a linear form of workflow, steps are completed chronologically, with one step succeeding the next. However, in a loop structure, the successful finishing of the last step leads to a repetition of activities starting from the first step. Flowcharts and process maps are some of the tools needed to chart the order of the workflow. There also exist several workflow software's that help organize the process.  

Mentioned below are some ways in which employers can improve workflow and provide efficient mechanisms for task completion in conductive research processes:  

1. Review your current workflow 

A routine review of current workflow processes is required to ascertain what changes need to be made. If the workflow being used has faults, they should be rectified regularly to make task completion efficient.  

2. Find bottlenecks and fix them 

Through the review process, figure out what is causing lower productivity and less than optimal results, and fix the faults in the current workflow routine. A company works on efficiency, and effortless workflow processes are key in their functioning.  

3. Lean on automation systems 

Technology is a boon to society in every aspect, including workflow management. There are multiple software's and companies offering workflow management tools to make your work easier and less time-consuming.  

4. Use collaboration tools 

Collaboration tools are great to increase efficiency and teamwork. Employees in a team can track progress, share documents and boost morale by working together through collaboration tools. Especially in the context of research, collaboration can prove to be very fruitful for efficiency.  

5. Improve communication  

Communication is key. Communication between management and employees, as well as among employees is important to carry out well-organized workflow systems.  

6. Train your team  

Regular training sessions for new joiners as well as seasoned employees create the correct mindset for productivity and efficient workflow. Workplace training programs help in improving job performance, thus helping conduct orderly task management.  

7. Get organized  

Organize and allocate work to specific team members. Doing this will ensure that every employee knows their work and completes it on time. Give achievable deadlines and ensure all team members show their work within the deadline.  

8. Set a budget  

By thinking of an estimated budget beforehand you will save yourself and your team the hassle of organizing projects by skimping on necessary things due to the exhaustion of your budget. Estimate budgets, profits loss and all money matters early on so that project completion is better managed.  

With flowres, you can focus on research instead of execution hassles. Flowres is a qualitative research project management tool that provides systems that help you collaborate and work better. Reach out to [email protected] to make your workflow more efficient.  
Sukanya Pant
Sep 08, 2022